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Our company purchased an IP Blocker Pro subscription last week. The user with IP Address is on our block list, but has visited the site multiple times since purchasing an IP Blocker Pro license. We are going to call our credit card company and ask for our money back if this issue doesn't get resovled in the next seven business days.
in WordPress IP Blocker by (120 points)

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1 Answer

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There is no need to worry about!

The IPs are actually blocked and they see your defined blocking message.

The same concern was of multiple customers but please be assured that the plugin is working. Or you can try yourself by blocking an IP among your circles.

Please see this answer for reference: http://support.lionscripts.com/684/ip-still-getting-through

The log you see in cPanel etc. shows the visits to your website, which is perfectly fine.
But WordPress IP Blocker Pro blocks them all and restrics the person to view any content on your wordpress website.
Please also see a similar question:


by (27.9k points)

No, they are not being blocked. They are on my website right now. We have a LiveChat support plugin that shows everyone that is currently on our website; see the screenshot as this proves that they are accessing our website as we speak:

