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My IP-blocker-Pro has been working for several weeks. My own IP was entered as an exclusion.

Then, after making some mySQL data base user-log deletions, IP-blocker-Pro locked me out.

After renaming the folder wordpress-ip-blocker-pro to wordpress-ip-blocker-pro-disabled,

I can access my website control panel. When I attempt to activate the ip-blocker plug-in, however,

I receive the error message "Plugin could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error."

How do you recommend I proceed?

Team viewer 9 is installed on this computer.


Sincerely, Dan Drath
by (120 points)
Hi Dan,
We can have a Teamviewer Meeting to resolve the issue.
For web meetings, we are available daily from 2PM EST to 4PM EST
Please email us at support@lionscripts.com with your suitable time for this web meeting.

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1 Answer

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Hi drathmarine,

I hope your issue has been resolved.

I would request you to share your feedback at


or at

by (27.9k points)