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Once I upgraded to Pro and did 'exclude my ip', I can't log in my own website.
I tried going to previous page, but was not working neither.

I tried to read and follow a couple of other users Q*A, but as i have no idea what FTP is.

Can you remetely handle my issue? you can use teamviewer software.

Please help me.
in WordPress IP Blocker by (220 points)

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1 Answer

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I apologize for the issue you have faced. Please send your teamviewer generated id/password to our email at support@lionscripts.com Along with your phone number


The Issue found was, Kevin turned on Auto-IP Blocking Feature, where he uses dynamic IP addresses. So Re-installed the plugin worked after removing it from the "plugins" folder of your wordpress installation folder. 

So please only turn-on IP Auto-Blocking feature if you access your dashboard from a static IP else you may get blocked temporarily whenever the IP is changed.

by (27.9k points)
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